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8080A Processor Technical Documentation | Describes the 8080A processor in detail. Includes a description of each flag, the binary subfields in the opcodes, and describes each opcode in detail. |
Memory Map | Describes the memory layout and how user-available memory is sized, describes useful PAM/8 and H-17 ROM entry points, and the location and values of interesting PAM/8 and HDOS storage locations. |
Assembly Language Documentation | Describes the format and usage of the assembler's pseudo opcodes. |
HDOS System Calls | Describes the HDOS application program interface in detail, with examples of all but the simplest functions. |
Basic Language Documentation | Describes the Benton Harbor Basic programming language in detail, with examples of most statements and functions. |
H-19 Programming Documentation | Describes the escape sequences available to control the H-19 terminal. |
Printer Documentation | Describes the control characters and escape sequences available to control the printer. |
H-17 Disk System | Describes the format of the disk and major disk compents such as the label and directory, and documents the low-level interface to the H-17 driver, allowing sector-level access to a disk. |
8250 UART | Describes the 8250's registers in detail and how to initialize and control the chip from an assembly language program. |
ASCII Character Chart | A chart showing the decimal, octal, and hex representation of the 128 characters in the ASCII character set. |