Society of Eight-Bit Heathkit Computerists

A web site dedicated to preserving the Heathkit 8 bit computers

This is an experimental publication to capture and share knowledge and experiences with Heathkit computers. It was inspired, in part, by the original "REMark" magazine, published for many years by the Heath Users Group. Each issue will address one or more topics of interest to collectors, hobbyists and computer historians. Currently these are not being published on a fixed schedule, rather they will appear as material is available. Contributions are most definitely welcome! Post ideas, suggestions and comments to the SEBHC google group mailing list.

- Glenn Roberts, Editor.

Issue 1 12/1/20: I just got an H8 … now what do I do?
Issue 2 12/7/20: Useful Things to do With an H8/89
Issue 3 1/1/21: Starting From Scratch (No Disks!)
Issue 4 3/15/21: Address Decoding in the H89
Issue 5 1/24/22: Survival Guide for a Diskless System
Issue 6 2/14/22: Universal Serial Bus (USB) for the H8/H89